CrimeStoppers offers $10,000 in S. Main shooting of young woman

MEMPHIS, TN – CrimeStoppers today announced it has up to $10,000 to pay to any citizen who anonymously contacts CrimeStoppers with information that will help identify one or more suspects in the August 27, 2023 shooting of Charlisa Reed in downtown Memphis.

Reed, 22, had gone to a restaurant with a friend early that morning after work. They left the restaurant just before 3 a.m. and got into Reed’s car which was parked on a busy South Main near Pontotoc Street. Just then a light-gray Dodge Charger with tinted windows turned onto Main and shots were fired from a passenger window.

Reed later died of her injuries. Two other individuals were shot but survived.

“I want to know why she was killed and who is responsible,” said her mother Anita Wilkins, who posted $6,000. That amount added to the customary $4,000 for identifying a suspect brings the total potential award to a tipster to $10,000.

Wilkins found a video of the shooting from a local merchant. She believes a second shooter may have been standing nearby.

“My daughter had just started her own business and was planning to go to barber school. I want justice for her. Too many of our young people are dying and don’t have an opportunity to live their lives,” Wilkins said.

Memphis Police detectives say the case remains under investigation. Anyone with information on this shooting should contact CrimeStoppers at 528-CASH (2274).

CrimeStoppers posts $10,000 in murder of Frayser merchant

MEMPHIS, TN – CrimeStoppers announced it has up to $10,000 to pay to any citizen who anonymously contacts CrimeStoppers with information that will help identify one or more suspects in the April 19, 2024 shooting of Khaled Eleiwa.

Friends of the owner of Beauty Royal in the 3400 block of North Watkins Street have provided $6,000 for the award. The funds, when combined with the $4,000 normally paid by CrimeStoppers in homicide cases, brings the total to $10,000 for information leading to a charge or arrest in the case.

It was only 20 minutes before noon when Eleiwa was shot outside his beauty supply store. Three suspects in a maroon 2011 Toyota Sequoia with temporary Tennessee tags drove up. The men got out of the vehicle, which had been stolen, and began firing. Eleiwa was dead by the time police and paramedics arrived.

The suspects were dressed in black clothing, wore gloves and had head coverings or masks on.

“In a case like this, with video footage available, someone recognizes a suspect or knows what happened and who are the likely shooters,” said David Wayne Brown, executive director of CrimeStoppers. “We urge anyone who knows something about this killing of a man who was well-liked in the community to call 528-CASH (2274).”

$15,000 CrimeStoppers award now posted in Orange Mound shooting

Memphis City Council has added $11,000 to the CrimeStoppers $4,000 award in murder cases for a total of $15,000 now available from the crime-fighting organization in the Orange Mound shooting.

“The funds have been made immediately available and now are in a bank account and ready to be paid out to any citizen who calls 528-CASH with information that helps Memphis Police investigators identify suspects,” said David Wayne Brown, Executive Director of CrimeStoppers.

In addition to the CrimeStoppers award, the U.S. Marshall’s Office has offered a $10,000 award.

Up to $4,000 cash award available in Orange Mound shooting incident


It is imperative that CrimeStoppers correct an erroneous report in the community of thousands of dollars in awards available in the Orange Mound mass shooting incident that occurred a few days ago.

As of the time of this writing on April 24, 2024, no extraordinary funds have been provided to CrimeStoppers of Memphis and Shelby County to be paid for information that helps investigators issue a charge or warrant or make an arrest in the murders.

At this time, the usual amount — up to $4,000 — is available from CrimeStoppers.

In future, it is very important that any word of extra awards must only come from this office. Please check with us before reporting any extra awards.

$10,000 extra CrimeStoppers award offered in murder of rental house worker

Memphis, TN – A $10,000 CrimeStoppers extra award has been posted in the January 29 murder of Michael “Ross” Collier in an apparent carjacking as he worked on a house in a south Memphis neighborhood.

Collier, an employee of Urban Property Management, was at a rental house on Patton Road Monday morning and noticed someone at his truck. Moments later he was shot and the 2004 white F-150 Ford truck was driven away. Collier died shortly after police arrived on the scene.

Although residents in the area heard the gunfire, no one came forward to say they saw the suspect. The truck has an extended cab and a broken right wheel brake light and a dented fender.

Anyone who sees the vehicle should call Memphis Police.

“Someone knows the person or persons responsible for this crime,” said David Wayne Brown, executive director of CrimeStoppers of Memphis and Shelby County. “We urge anyone who knows anything to call us at 528-CASH (2274) right away.”

Michael "Ross" Collier house worker murdered jan 29 2024 crimestoppers

$10,000 offered in FedEx heists

MEMPHIS, TN — A $10,000 award has been posted with CrimeStoppers of Memphis and Shelby County for information leading to a warrant and/or the arrest of any individuals involved in the recent ambush and looting of FedEx vehicles.

This includes the incident that occurred on November 11, when multiple cars blocked a tractor trailer at the intersection of Riverport Road and Mallory Avenue. Suspects broke the seal and latch on the back of the trailer and dozens of individuals from nearby parked cars joined in stealing packages.

Additionally, on December 15, a FedEx vehicle making deliveries near Tennessee Street was targeted by a few individuals who stole multiple packages before fleeing.

$10,000 will be provided by FedEx, and is in addition to any award determined by the CrimeStoppers Citizen Awards Committee should the Memphis Police Department determine that a tip helped solve these crimes.

“The brazen theft from FedEx trucks are appalling acts in our community and we appreciate the support from FedEx to help identify the individuals responsible,” said David Wayne Brown, executive director of CrimeStoppers. “We urge anyone with information about any of the individuals involved to call or text CrimeStoppers at 528-CASH (2274). Every contact remains anonymous.”

The drivers involved thankfully were not hurt during the incidents.

In a statement released by FedEx regarding the November 11 looting, a company spokesperson said, “The safety of our team members and the security of our customers’ shipments are top priorities, and we are grateful there were no serious injuries as a result of this incident. We are cooperating fully with investigating authorities and taking appropriate steps to address this matter.”

CrimeStoppers of Memphis and Shelby County Press Release: (27 Dec 2023) $10,000 CrimeStoppers Award posted in FedEx truck looting